Source: CNBC TV18

The residential real-estate sector is showing signs of revival after a prolonged period of stagnation, and this resurgence is poised to have a significant impact on other businesses.

Gautam Trivedi, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Nepean Capital, highlighted an intriguing relationship between the real estate market and the demand for consumer durables. The revival of the real estate sector appears to be driving consumer spending, particularly in the consumer durables segment. As individuals invest in their homes, they often seek to upgrade and furnish them, which results in an increased demand for appliances and furnishings.

“The moment you buy a new house, you need a new refrigerator, new microwave machine, washing machine, fans, lights, what is behind the wall. So a lot of that is being driven primarily by people buying new homes having made money either in the stock market or in their existing businesses and that to some extent is incrementally driving consumption of automobiles,” he said.